The first advice that an insomniac might get is to consider his sleeping environment. They are told to consider things about their bedroom that might interfere with a restful sleep. Since mattress companies tend to push the point that their own beds can provide better sleep quality, some people assume they should consider changing their mattress. Before these people start looking for mattress sales san diego, it's important to consider a few things about the way mattresses could help improve sleep.
Can Mattresses Provide an Insomnia Remedy?
According to Psychology Today, most of the scientific studies done on mattresses don't really focus on insomnia. They tend to focus on people who suffer from physical pain or simply use a population of mostly healthy subjects. At the same time, there are some things that scientists know about sleep that may prove helpful.
If a mattress is several years old, it might help to replace it. A mattress that is eight to twelve years old cannot possibly have the same qualities that it did when it was new.
Certainly, if that mattress shows any obvious signs of wear or damage, it's a good idea to consider getting another one. On the other hand,insomniacs should really think about making a drastic change to their environment.
Insomniacs Should Carefully Consider Changes to Their Sleep Environment
The one thing that sleep scientists do know is that familiarity actually helps promote sleep. People get conditioned to their environment, so they usually have the easiest time falling asleep in surroundings that they are used to.
People who don't suffer from typical sleep issues might not even notice, but changes could temporarily worsen the problem for somebody who suffers from insomnia.
Certainly, a comfortable mattress can contribute to sleep. However, some people get very used to sleeping upon mats or other surfaces that most people would not consider comfortable. In other words, insomniacs should not make changes without considering them. While a new mattress might prove helpful, there may also be a transitional period as the sleeper adjusts to the new environment. It might take a few days to really enjoy the benefits of the new mattress.