Fortunately, most people drop off to sleep without any trouble. However, everybody experiences trouble getting to sleep at least once in a while. Though sleep is a natural occurrence, there are factors that can disrupt the sleep cycle or prevent people from even getting to sleep. Mattress

The mattress plays a huge role in whether a person gets a good night’s sleep. One of the best investments anyone can make is buying a top quality mattress that offers the support and comfort appropriate for their needs. If the mattress is too soft, which can happen if the
mattress sales san diego is older, it won’t offer the necessary support for the body. This can result in disrupted sleep or aches and pains upon waking. Experts recommend replacing a mattress every eight years. If the mattress is too hard, as is often the case with cheaply made mattresses, it won’t provide a restful place that induces sleep. An overly hard mattress can also result in tossing and turning and a sore body. Take advantage of mattress sales in San Diego to get the best quality mattress you can afford. Temperature

If the bedroom is kept too hot or too cold, the sleep cycle can be adversely affected. Doctors suggest that the nighttime temperature be kept near 65 degrees. If the temperature is off by much, a person could be woken by sweating profusely or chills, resulting in lost sleep. Light

The best sleep is achieved in a darkened room. Unfortunately, the abundance of always-on indicator lights on televisions, alarm clocks and cell phones creates a piercing light that can interrupt normal sleep patterns. These small lights can inhibit deep sleep and indirectly cause fatigue and irritability the next day. If a person feels that light is the source of sleep trouble, the simple use of a sleep mask might fix the problem. Noise

An unfortunate factor that often prevents sound sleep is noise. Whether it’s a car engine running, people on the street at odd hours, sirens, buses or the neighbor’s television, noise during sleep time can be more than a nuisance. It can keep a person from ever feeling like they got any sleep at all. If noise is an issue, a set of earplugs could do the trick. These foam inserts are inexpensive and widely available. If they don’t work, a set of noise cancelling headphones is another option. To be your best and healthiest self, make sure your sleep isn’t being ruined by any of these factors. If they are, take steps now to get a good sleep tonight.